Headhunting in the parliamentary republic of Romania is particularly promising. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the former socialist republic was slow to recover from the consequences of decades of mismanagement, but since the country’s economy opened up, it has been one of the fastest growing ones in Europe. In 2017, the economic output increased even by 7%, so that compared to 1990 the gross domestic product quintupled to € 202.883 billion.

However, Romania only ranks 61st out of 167 countries in the Democracy Index (2016), which means that the country is classified as “defective democracy”. However, in the index for economic freedom (2018) the country ranks 37th out of 180 countries. In recent years, the share of the service sector on gross domestic product has become increasingly important. Especially industrial companies like to turn to domestic capital markets to raise funds to finance factories and office buildings or to fund research and development projects, which favours the availability of highly qualified IT technology and software specialists. The service sector thus accounts for around 60 % of GDP, followed by industry (30 %) and agriculture (4 %). Tourism is also becoming increasingly important in Romania.

However, Romania's economic output is heavily influenced by exports, which means that its dependence on the global economy is relatively large. The most important export goods are motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and textile goods. The sectors of mechanical engineering, plant engineering and shipbuilding are also considered to be competitive.

Remel Executive Search is your headhunter / HR consultancy, which knows how to classify the growth market in Romania and will therefore provide you with optimal support in HR consulting and filling specialist and executive positions.

In this country, Remel Executive Search can handle the search for you as a headhunter also in the following cities:

  • Bucharest
  • Cluj-Napoca
  • Timișoara
  • Iași

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