Since the iron curtain the “east block” countries (such as Poland, Czech Republik, Baltic States, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine etc.) have developed in different ways. Some of them benefit of being members in the European Union, and others struggling between “east and west”.
The Eastern European countries are therefore in a difficult situation – on the one hand torn between “east and west”, on the other hand, the variety of different religions and confessions.
Furthermore, Eastern Europe encompasses many different cultures and languages, a diverse market for recruitment. With different ethnic groups such as Balts or Slavs and with more than as 10 languages and countless dialects, dealing with Eastern European cultures in an appropriate manner is the first step to a successful executive search.
Remel Executive Search is your headhunter, who knows the differences on the Eastern European market and is able to find the right potentials for your organisation.
Among others, Remel Executive Search can carry out the search for you in the following Eastern European countries: